Posted on December 13, 2012
In this new series called “Now I know my Wine-phabet”, I will explore letter by letter wine and what I believe are some of the most important and/or influential aspects in the world of wine. Since I am only choosing one topic per letter, many will be missed. Hopefully these posts come across as being whimsical and informative.

Yecla is one of the smallest DO’s in Spain. Most people have never heard of it. For this reason it makes my Wine-Phabet, I always root for the under dog. Talking about roots, Yecla has deep roots. Although the city of Yecla bares the same name as the region, it was discovered well after wine growing had already been established. Wine growing dates back to the early Romans, some people believe that the Phoenicians brought many vines to the region. (more…)
Posted on November 28, 2012
In this new series called “Now I know my Wine-phabet”, I will explore letter by letter wine and what I believe are some of the most important and/or influential aspects in the world of wine. Since I am only choosing one topic per letter, many will be missed. Hopefully these posts come across as being whimsical and informative.
Xarel-lo is a Spanish grape which is one of the main components of Cava. Some producers are using it to produce high quality still wines. Here is a little jingle that pays homage to this under rated white grape. For more about this grape visit this site, Catavino. (more…)
Posted on November 21, 2012
In this new series called “Now I know my Wine-phabet”, I will explore letter by letter wine and what I believe are some of the most important and/or influential aspects in the world of wine. Since I am only choosing one topic per letter, many will be missed. Hopefully these posts come across as being whimsical and informative.

Why Walla Walla! What is Walla Walla? Sounds like a name of an animal from Australia related to the Platypus. Well well,well…Walla Walla is not an animal nor “hello” in Cherokee. Walla Walla is one of the most important wine regions in Washington State and Oregon. Today we’ll talk about the Washington State side since Washington begins with a “W”.
Back in September, I was so luckily invited to join the Road Trip Washington with the Washington Wine Commission. We traveled by bus from Seattle to Walla Walla and everything in between. The best way to put it, Walla Walla is kind of like Amador County meets Paso Robles meets Napa but feels like Bordeaux and acts like the Rhone. Hmmm…explain that one Maurice. (more…)
Posted on November 14, 2012
In this new series called “Now I know my Wine-phabet”, I will explore letter by letter wine and what I believe are some of the most important and/or influential aspects in the world of wine. Since I am only choosing one topic per letter, many will be missed. Hopefully these posts come across as being whimsical and informative.

If you were to look up the definition for vinosity you would see two. 1) Relating to, or the characteristic of wine. 2) The indulgence of wine. When we blind taste in my sommelier group we add a third definition, vinosity is the expression of a wine’s aromas and flavors as it begins to develop and age.
When I was growing up there was an old man who lived next door, Mr Prity. When I was about 11 years old he was quite scary. He would always spy on us through his window making sure we were not on his property. He was down right mean. There he stood with a cigar in hand, eyeing our every move just waiting for our ball to go into his yard. One could say that he had a lot of tannin and acidity. (more…)
Posted on October 31, 2012
In this new series called “Now I know my Wine-phabet”, I will explore letter by letter wine and what I believe are some of the most important and/or influential aspects in the world of wine. Since I am only choosing one topic per letter, many will be missed. Hopefully these posts come across as being whimsical and informative.

The Japanese always seem to get it right. With the introduction of Umami, the Japanese improved our sense of taste. Umami is normally associated with food. But have you ever tasted a wine and in your best Uma Thurman Pulp Fiction voice said, (more…)